
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

2023. “Counterfactual Future-Thinking.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (special issue eds. Nikhil Anand and Jenny Lindblad)

2022. “Rumor as Archive: The Story of the Golden Cross in Taksim 360.” Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 8(1):109–128.

2021. “1237, or, Dying Elsewhere.” Current Anthropology 62(1):110–16.

2020. “Care in Tarlabaşı amidst Heightened Inequalities, Urban Transformation, and Coronavirus.” Radical Housing Journal 2(2):219–28.

2020. "Behind the Scaffolding in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul: Manipulations of Time, Delays, and Power." City & Society 32(3):482–507.

* Winner of the 2019 Middle East Section at the American Anthropological Association Best Student Paper Prize

2019. "The Ghost of Karl Marx." entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography 2(2):27-32.

Revise and resubmit. “Cultivating Potentialities: Inhabiting Urban Transformation in Tarlabaşı.”

Under consideration for publication in American Anthropologist.

* Winner of the 2019 Middle East Studies Association Graduate Student Paper Prize

Under review. “Claiming the NGO: Blackness, Transience, and Migration in Istanbul.”

Under consideration for publication in a special issue of Theory, Culture, and Critique.

In progress. “Figuring It Out: Care and Futurity in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul.”

* Winner of the 2020 American Ethnological Society Elsie Clews Parsons Prize

Editor-Reviewed Articles and Public Scholarship

2020. "In the Pursuit of ‘Reality’ in Tarlabaşı and Dolapdere."

Invited article for Special Issue on Beyoğlu (in both English and Turkish)

2020. “AE Interviews Fırat Bozçalı”

American Ethnologist website

2020. “AE Interviews Hayal Akarsu”

American Ethnologist website

2020. "Relationship-Making, Scaffolding, and A Pandemic"

Invited article for Anthropology News

2020. "Technologies of Representation: Possibilities of Social Media in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul"

Invited blog post for Platypus: Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC) Blog

2020. "Urban Transformation and Resistance in Tarlabaşı: The Politics of a Delayed Construction Project in Istanbul"

Interviewed by Cihan Tekay for Status/الوضع Podcast and Jadaliyya

2019. “AE Interviews Chloe Ahmann”

American Ethnologist website

2019. “What We’re Reading, Summer 2019” (with Gina Athena Ulysse, Carole McGranahan, Brittany Birberick, Chris Loperena, and Marc Edelman)

American Ethnologist website

2019. “Kent Etnografisinin Sınırları ve Olanakları” (“Limits and Possibilities of Urban Ethnography”)

Invited submission for Special Issue on Urban Political Ecology

2016. “Thinking Beyond the Duality of Theory and Practice: Lessons from Gezi Park”

In Contested Cities Working Paper Series